
How to use super programer

Putting a set into a bag, today to you are a pro's microcomputer programmer.
The people with PC should purchase VAC3SPSS of a full set.

Easy Composition: Operate on windows(thing with dosv parallel port)
The program which took many months
also as for the pro can create in a talked type language every day.
(It is easy English.) As for anyone, a program and writing can do
only by tying to the printer port of your computer, and soon vaccine can be moved.
Of course, it moves also by the base of your PIC.
the vaccine -- six of all sensors are controllable
Please put various character into the vaccine.

The sauce created by the assembler, C, basic, etc. of course can be used also as a common writer of a lump [ burn ] of *.hex compiled and done and *.obj.
* the sauce in the C language -- opening to the public

* . It is *.hex although it is obj file correspondence. ------ Easy change can be carried out at *.obj.
It is in below for details.

First of all, let's write in a sample.
1: since -- please follow in orderˆ

‚PFThe left click of the vaccine file is carried out. ‚QFThe green vaccine is left-clicked.

‚RFThe edit screen came out still more.
Please look over a right command roughly.
If only this is memorized, near character of operation will be infinitely planted in the vaccine.
in If which comes out well, if it - becomes, let's will come out and be peevish and, as a starter, write in a sample first.
open of a screen is clicked.

The infinite possibility was hidden (from a hobby to industry).
Explanation of 17 commands of only this

IfFront If it is in front
IfRight If it is in the right

If it passes for
a number of
Ifinport0001 There is forward right leg reflection.
nothing -- carrying out -- 0 and 1 are exchanged
Ifinport1000 A forward left leg has reflection.ight leg reflection.
Ifinport0010 A right rear leg has reflection.
Ifinport0100 A left rear leg has reflection.
Ifgdsec If a number of seconds pass from power supply ON

‚SFtest sample . ClickVAC3 ‚TFclick sampleArai.b10

6:Arai.b10 to which the program of Arai.b10 appeared in the biggest window (the same . as a word processor screen.) Please click Edit and make it an edit screen
(The program of this screen
is differed from.)

Explanation of each button


open A file is opened.
edit It moves to an edit screen.
compile It changes into a machine language.
Read(Robot) ‚l‚’Dvaccine's machine language is read.
Reset(Robot) ‚l‚’D vaccine's machine language is erased.
Close This work is finished.
‚»‚Μ‘Ό‚P in which the file name of the program read to the window beside Open appears.
‚»‚Μ‘Ό2 The character sequence on Open is a place idirectoryj
‚»‚Μ‘Ό3 It is the comment column of a work state.

‚VF in which edit screen Edit appeared still more.
Is a program written into this (the program of this screen is differed from.)

Explanation of each button


‚`‚ƒ‚”‚‰‚‚Ž‚“ It is an action command.
13 actions can be chosen if a right end inverse triangle field knob is clicked.
. which checks an edit cursor position, chooses Forward, clicks a right end button, and can be written in.
Condition It is a condition command.
‚c‚‚Ž‚k‚‚‚‚…‚Œ‚Œ DAN should consider the work room.
What is necessary will be just to consider the case where it makes from an assembly line also by car.
convenient tool
The picture of the car in a circle
Please move into a circle and move a mouse cursor.
. to which an action state appears in the upper window.
A mouse can also create Action.
Save which stores a file.
Save as A suitable name is given and a file is stored.

‚WF. as which signs that will become such a screen and it will be changed into a machine language if it saves carefully with thinking that Arai.b10 was made personally anyhow and Compile is clicked still more are regarded.
. which is completion if the comment which grows into a comment column badly [ connection ] does not come out.
.Write which boils at the end and is written in the vaccine's CPU is clicked, and a program is written in the inside of a vaccine_
s the vaccine connected of course?
The switch of Mr.vac is ON.

which joins a super programmer to the connector of the vaccine's back, and connects the main part of a metal part to a printer port.
It is a parallel port.
It is not 232C.

Cautions: Connection is confirmed when a comment comes out.
Is a power supply ON? . which changes the position of the vaccine's main part.

(If an unusual light which is not visible goes into an eye, a comment may appear in a sensor) Aren't there a light source and any heat source in a bottom sensor?
. which starts moving 5 seconds after.
Although it should return without falling, if it was on the
white stand, did it succeed? It attacks without falling even from on tobacco.
Let's check by the sample animation image.
did it succeed? It attacks without falling even from on tobacco.

Let's check by the sample animation image.

please avoid the place which infrared rays have generated strongly
-- the infrared rays from . heat source -- coming out --

was the obstacle avoided? please improve many things .

Next, it is . programmed personally.

2000/1/20Y.P 3D co.,